Thursday 7 February 2013


A God sat there, on a mountain top, looking down, watching mere mortals struggle with their daily tasks. Living. Yes, that is the word human kind use to describe the time they're given to exhaust from dawn till dawn. This God loved humans and so he granted them mortality. It's the endlessness He tried to protect them from. Yet 'forever and after' was the exact something mere mortals could not stop craving for. They spend endless hours dreaming of laughing forever, of loving forever, of living till the end of times.

And for that God pitted them and so He granted them their wish. He gave them TIME. Time to sow and time to reap, time to drink ale and to smoke all the finest leaves one could find, time to be marry and time to grieve. Time to live to the fullest. 

And so they did. And for a while it was heaven on Earth, filled with endless, twilight free days. Until the age of mirth started to diminish for mere mortals did not possessed hearts large enough to love forever, and minds great enough to remember the forever. And with all the Time they were given to rest they grew more and more restless. Endlessly they fought for the break of down to be awaken.

God sat there, on the mountain top, looking down, watching mortals pray for the Earth to be flat again. It's the vision of the edge that keeps them going, they said. One has to die before one can live again, they said. And so God took back the Time.

Time grew older and the Golden age passed out of all knowledge. Mortals began dreaming anew of loving forever, of living forever. Yet this God never faltered again.

Friday 4 January 2013


And then there was silence.

Zeus and all the Olympians were all about words whilst YHWH was all about silence. The world emerged from silence. In silence the world will come to an end. And in silence YHWH will dwell.

God punished the wicked with silence and with it He rewarded the faithful. Yet only a sinister was rewarded with a stone cold glare.

In silence God rested and in silence He rejoiced. He would fill his goblet with wine-coloured thoughts and down them with morning like calm. He would sleep open mouthed and wake wide-eyed yet sealed lip. He praised with words but he loved in silence.

God fought with silent rage and judged with a lift of an eyebrow. He demonstrated forgiveness by hugging and expressed compassion with a handshake.

But He laughed like a thunder and all the silence in the world would bow to him.

Tuesday 4 December 2012


God was a shy boy, one could say, except He was a fully grown god. But God is by no means mysterious. Human kind never had the pleasure to bathe in His glorious presence for He prefers disguise. Mere mortals even wrote a book on how to recognise God in mundane affairs. A quarrel arose and lasted for hundreds of years for people just couldn't agree on how to name the bloody book for it contained so much information about everything and everyone. Eventually, after marching to a significant amount of wars and killing each other in various battles they came upon an agreement - "The Book", they decided to call the book "The Book". It was a glorious day full of vine spilling and other joyful activities for it meant no more throat slicing and gut knifing! But then JC came, son of God. New books needed to be written and new wars were about to be born. But this is not a chronicle of wars but of love.

The day God fell in love was indeed immortalized yet eventually buried deep into the unknown by silly mortals for they feed on constant need to make gods as miserable and lonely as they are.  But nothing is ever really forgotten. And I am about to inscribe a divine fable of truth into your mortal minds.

God was a shy boy, but only until He met Asherah. For on that day He stood tall and said to Her: I am YHWH, that is My name. But She stood even taller. So Yehweh made the skies mix with lightnings and thunder and so He spoke again: I shall make rain fall and you shall bathe in it. Twenty six times the Sun had hid deep into the hills but it was raining still. On the twenty seventh day the world was starting to immerse in water and mortals were building ships fast while the two gods had stood proud in a wordless battle. On the fortieth day Asherah raised Her head even higher and started to drink in the water for she was The Tree of fertility and life, as, how unexpected, all goodnesses were. The land had dried whilst Noah was contemplating his mistake of taking spiders into the ship. Yahweh lowered his tired form onto the ground and Asherah sat next to him on his right. And then came the rest of the eternity and Hollywood thought it was good and worth using in their depictions of mere mortals lives. 

YHWH came from Sinai
and shone forth from his own Seir,
He showed himself from Mount Paran.
Yea, he came among the myriads of Qudhsu,
at his right hand his own Asherah,
Indeed, he who loves the clans
and all his holy ones on his left. 

Deuteronomy 33.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Jesus and the Desert of Judah.

It was the 29th day. Jesus was sitting alone in the Desert of Judah. His eye balls were starting to get dry and his mind was weakening. It was the point at which Jesus started seeing things that were. Like his parents telling him he can be anything and anyone he wants. Except the failure that he was. He loved wood and the way it felt under his hands. Smooth and silky, like Lucifer's calves. He loved wood but he also used to hear all sorts of voices, telling him being a carpenter's son isn't enough and eventually lulling him into believing that he had to find 12 dudes to follow him around all the time.

It was the 29th day. Jesus was sitting alone in the Desert of Judah. His eye balls were dry and his mind was weakening. It was the point at which Jesus started seeing things that are. Like dear Lucifer, trying to seduce him by offering powers of a Superman - he new his beloved preferred flying over riding a donkey, palm leaves underneath or not. Or by tempting him to accept the never ending famousness, so that all the generations that haven't even been born yet, would dare not to name their children in his name.

It was the 29th day. Jesus was sitting alone in the Desert of Judah. His eye balls had a life of their own and his mind was utterly lost. It was the point at which Jesus started seeing things that might yet come to pass. Like his dreams coming true. He could see himself being anything and anyone he wanted: son of a God, spending half of each and every year by God's side, petting their ginger cat, curled in his lap, helping God to judge the unchangeables. Whilst the other half he would spare to his husband, the cat hater, with three-headed Kerberos at his feet. The creature that could also see the past, the present and the future.

It was the 40th day in the Desert of Judah when Jesus said his most famous words: fuck this shit, I need a drink.

Sunday 8 July 2012


One time, God was sitting under a tree, listening to the mellow sounds floating above Linos lyre. The man had magical hands and divine ears, so as his brother Orpheus.

The other time, God was listening to Heracles play, with a bloody lyre, freshly soaked with Linos blood.

There was also time when God wouldn't listen to anyone. Like Zeus almost never did.

There was this garden, people used to say, a place where one could dwell for as many years as one lifetime can give. Yet emerge from it and you will find your self to be at the exact moment you were about to enter it. Lovers, entrusted with forbidden love, used to dwell there, people said.

One time, Zeus burned it to ashes.

The other time he raised it from ashes and made the garden even more beautiful. Full with black, like her hair, and blue, like her eyes, flowers. With a tree in the middle, with golden apples, like his hair, and with emerald green leaves, like his eyes.*

The gardens of Hesperides. Where a serpent-like dragon Ladon guards the tree and it's immortality-giving fruits. Where no mere mortal can enter any more. Where one time God was sitting. Under the tree, created in a man's image. Listening to Heracles praising his deeds, whilst Atlas was holding the heavens. God new, he was stealing from Hera's garden, but he also knew, he was helping Heracles to earn his glory, his 'kleos', 'Hera' 'kleos'.

* Maloe and Lakenae.

Monday 11 June 2012

On either 10 or 11 June 323 BC, Alexandros, "he who defends men", died in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II, at the age of 32.

May the Gods be drinking in your name tonight.

P.S. God, you bastard, the thing you made me sit through on Saturday.

Thursday 31 May 2012


It was a rainy day for rain was dripping from the sky with no honey on it. Zeus answered not his call for most probably he was somewhere on Earth on yet another quest to find a woman, whose uterus would help him make the world a better place. It was a hard task indeed. Every penis-less human did dare to dream off bearing a child conceived in a rainy day. It's a rainy day that was hard to come by in Greece. 

It was a rainy day and God decided against moping and so he left the earth. For now. He went to Olympus for he found joy by sitting and gazing into the depths of a mirror, contemplating about the life of  loud-thundering Zeus. After all, God was created in his image as well as 4 generations of men.

It was a rainy day on earth and God decided to please his role model, his beloved cloud-gatherer by finding himself a woman. He knew not where to start though. So God looked down upon the earth where no clouds hovered above it. He saw a man herding a flock of sheep on some dead mountain. He wanted not to scare the shepherd and by showing his true form he would have definitely ended up doing exactly that. God had to act quickly for he sought to catch a wanderers eye and the man was in haste. In a moment of panic (God was still so young) he turned himself into a burning bush! The man fell on his knees screaming 'what oh, all mighty, you want of me, mere mortal'. 

It was a rainy day in Greece and God dared not to ask his initial question 'I command you to tell me where could I find a fine woman to impregnate!' Instead he mumbled something about freeing Israelites from Egypt... The second he said all of that he regretted it deeply for he knew Amun will kick his arse far into the heavens beyond. 

It was a rainy day. The day recorded in history of gods as the time when God failed in finding a mortal to impregnate and thus making the world better (from that day forward he will entrust his angels with this task), and a day recorded in human history as the time on which a burning bush spoke to a man, who made a career out of it. It was also a day on which God found out about a place called Heaven for it was where Amun kicked his arse too. Eventually, he will move in there for his son will be a hermit.