Thursday, 7 February 2013


A God sat there, on a mountain top, looking down, watching mere mortals struggle with their daily tasks. Living. Yes, that is the word human kind use to describe the time they're given to exhaust from dawn till dawn. This God loved humans and so he granted them mortality. It's the endlessness He tried to protect them from. Yet 'forever and after' was the exact something mere mortals could not stop craving for. They spend endless hours dreaming of laughing forever, of loving forever, of living till the end of times.

And for that God pitted them and so He granted them their wish. He gave them TIME. Time to sow and time to reap, time to drink ale and to smoke all the finest leaves one could find, time to be marry and time to grieve. Time to live to the fullest. 

And so they did. And for a while it was heaven on Earth, filled with endless, twilight free days. Until the age of mirth started to diminish for mere mortals did not possessed hearts large enough to love forever, and minds great enough to remember the forever. And with all the Time they were given to rest they grew more and more restless. Endlessly they fought for the break of down to be awaken.

God sat there, on the mountain top, looking down, watching mortals pray for the Earth to be flat again. It's the vision of the edge that keeps them going, they said. One has to die before one can live again, they said. And so God took back the Time.

Time grew older and the Golden age passed out of all knowledge. Mortals began dreaming anew of loving forever, of living forever. Yet this God never faltered again.

Friday, 4 January 2013


And then there was silence.

Zeus and all the Olympians were all about words whilst YHWH was all about silence. The world emerged from silence. In silence the world will come to an end. And in silence YHWH will dwell.

God punished the wicked with silence and with it He rewarded the faithful. Yet only a sinister was rewarded with a stone cold glare.

In silence God rested and in silence He rejoiced. He would fill his goblet with wine-coloured thoughts and down them with morning like calm. He would sleep open mouthed and wake wide-eyed yet sealed lip. He praised with words but he loved in silence.

God fought with silent rage and judged with a lift of an eyebrow. He demonstrated forgiveness by hugging and expressed compassion with a handshake.

But He laughed like a thunder and all the silence in the world would bow to him.