Tuesday 4 December 2012


God was a shy boy, one could say, except He was a fully grown god. But God is by no means mysterious. Human kind never had the pleasure to bathe in His glorious presence for He prefers disguise. Mere mortals even wrote a book on how to recognise God in mundane affairs. A quarrel arose and lasted for hundreds of years for people just couldn't agree on how to name the bloody book for it contained so much information about everything and everyone. Eventually, after marching to a significant amount of wars and killing each other in various battles they came upon an agreement - "The Book", they decided to call the book "The Book". It was a glorious day full of vine spilling and other joyful activities for it meant no more throat slicing and gut knifing! But then JC came, son of God. New books needed to be written and new wars were about to be born. But this is not a chronicle of wars but of love.

The day God fell in love was indeed immortalized yet eventually buried deep into the unknown by silly mortals for they feed on constant need to make gods as miserable and lonely as they are.  But nothing is ever really forgotten. And I am about to inscribe a divine fable of truth into your mortal minds.

God was a shy boy, but only until He met Asherah. For on that day He stood tall and said to Her: I am YHWH, that is My name. But She stood even taller. So Yehweh made the skies mix with lightnings and thunder and so He spoke again: I shall make rain fall and you shall bathe in it. Twenty six times the Sun had hid deep into the hills but it was raining still. On the twenty seventh day the world was starting to immerse in water and mortals were building ships fast while the two gods had stood proud in a wordless battle. On the fortieth day Asherah raised Her head even higher and started to drink in the water for she was The Tree of fertility and life, as, how unexpected, all goodnesses were. The land had dried whilst Noah was contemplating his mistake of taking spiders into the ship. Yahweh lowered his tired form onto the ground and Asherah sat next to him on his right. And then came the rest of the eternity and Hollywood thought it was good and worth using in their depictions of mere mortals lives. 

YHWH came from Sinai
and shone forth from his own Seir,
He showed himself from Mount Paran.
Yea, he came among the myriads of Qudhsu,
at his right hand his own Asherah,
Indeed, he who loves the clans
and all his holy ones on his left. 

Deuteronomy 33.